sarai background Dr S Nyerenda Transform Your Health with Lifestyle Medicine Discover the power of Lifestyle Medicine to
achieve better health and well-being. Learn
how simple lifestyle changes can prevent, treat,
and even reverse chronic diseases. Start your
journey toward a healthier, happier you.
Unlock the Secrets of Longevity with Lifestyle Medicine Explore the science-backed principles of Lifestyle Medicine to unlock the secrets of a longer, more vibrant life. From nourishing your body with plant-based nutrition to finding balance and reducing stress, LM is your key to a healthier future.

These headings and brief descriptions aim to pique the interest of your website visitors and encourage them to explore the benefits and principles of Lifestyle Medicine further on your website.
Embrace a Healthier Mindset, Embrace Lifestyle Medicine Shift your mindset and supercharge your health journey with Lifestyle Medicine. Discover the transformative power of positive thinking and a healthy lifestyle. Achieve lasting wellness by adopting a new perspective on your health and well-being.


What is Lifestyle Medicine (LM)?
What are the key pillars of Lifestyle Medicine?
Can Lifestyle Medicine really prevent and treat chronic diseases?
Is Lifestyle Medicine the same as alternative medicine or complementary medicine?
How can I incorporate Lifestyle Medicine into my daily life?

Why Us?

1.Dedicated to treat root causes using evidence based tools. .(Dedicated to treating the root causes of Botswana NCDs using the 6 evidence based pillars of Lifestyle Medicine— a predominantly Whole Plant Based eating plan, regular physical activity, restorative sleep,stress management, avoidance of risky subtance use and positive social connections ( ubuntu).LM is used as a primary modality, delivered by clinicians trained and certifed in LM, to prevent, treat and often reverse diseases.)

2. Certifiied in Mindfulness BASED Interventions and Digital Therapeutics.

3. Diabetic Prevention Program Coach

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Tip for the month of November from Dr STG Nyirenda

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Indtouction to LifeStyle Medicie.

Lifestyle Medicine (LM) is a specialized field of healthcare that focuses on addressing the underlying factors contributing to Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). At its core, LM leverages six well-established pillars of evidence-based practices:

  • Emphasis on a predominantly Whole Plant-Based diet.
  • Regular physical activity.
  • Prioritizing restorative sleep.
  • Effective stress management.
  • Avoidance of risky substance use.
  • Cultivating positive social connections, often referred to as “ubuntu.”

LM is a primary healthcare approach, delivered by medical professionals who are trained and certified in Lifestyle Medicine. Its primary objective is to prevent, treat, and frequently even reverse chronic diseases by harnessing the power of these essential lifestyle elements.

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